Signs You Are Ready To Make Money From Your Writing

By on August 31, 2018

Many of us dream of the day we can quit our jobs and start to make money from our writing. But taking that plunge can feel incredibly daunting. For many writers, the risk can be too high, and so they never manage to invest the time they'd like into their writing, instead always trying to fit it around their 'real' work.

Understanding when you are ready to start seriously thinking about how to make money from your writing is so important. Doing so can help you better know when it is the right time to go for it while feeling more assured that you are doing the right thing and confident you can succeed.

So what are the signs that you are ready to make money writing? Here's what to look out for:

You believe in yourself

Deciding to start making money from your writing without feeling confident you can do it is setting yourself up to fail. You have to be your own biggest fan, supporter and promoter, and having the self-belief and confidence to put yourself out there, demand attention and come to the realization that you should be getting paid for your work can make all the difference.

You can make the time

If you want to make money from your writing, you have to be able to put the time and effort into doing it properly. If you can't or aren't willing to, you are not ready.

You understand the process

To make money from your writing, be that by becoming a freelance writer, starting up a blog or trying to get your book published, having a thorough knowledge of the ins and outs of the business will prove to be invaluable. Make sure you do your research so you can manage your own expectations, and do everything right to give yourself the best chance of success.

You can keep to deadlines

One of the most important things for any writer trying to earn a living is to make sure they can hit deadlines and reach goals whether set by the people they are working for or personally. Doing so will keep you motivated, continually improving and productive, and will keep editors, agents and clients happy too!

You know your audience

Whenever you write to make money, you are writing for a specific audience. Whether trying to get a novel published or writing an article, you need to make sure you know who you are writing for and cater to their needs and desires.

You are ready for battle

Writing for a living isn't easy. Make sure you are ready to fight! Be determined, keep persevering and prepared to keep battling on, no matter how tough it gets.

If you can say 'yes' to all the above then what are you waiting for? It's time to put the effort in, get organized and take that leap to start taking your writing seriously and making some money from it too!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'



About Ty Cohen

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